Thursday, February 21, 2008

About my blog of Randomness

Hey! This is Sierra! I am a very random person so I thought, "Hey, why not make a blog about randomness?"So here I am making my random blog! I am going to try to update my blog atleast once a week so It can be the best random blog ever! Every week I am going to put some random stuff on here It may not make sense but that is the fun of it, It doesnt make sense! Ha ha :) so you can check it out, laugh a little or alot or not at all (your choice) and then comment if you want then check back for more random stuff! Isnt that a wonderfull process? I thought it was. Well I am going to get random stuff and put it on my blog, so have fun and I hope you enjoy my randomness!



Bre-z-bre said...


Bre-z-bre said...

Haha sierra u r soo funny!!! but u should talk about bethany. she is mad at me 2day. but she is everyday soo ne way haha u r the cutest girl evr i love u hahah!!!!

Sierra King said...

Your such a nerd. But I love you!

Sierra King said...

Thank you for the comment bre-z-bre also known as breanna :)

Anonymous said...

you are a crazy girl! but i love you


hey, its me, well duh.. nice blog very randomEful